FY23 Approved Projects List

                                      Project Name       Project Manager
Campus Restroom Signage Julie Sniezek
TCL 217 – Whiteboard/Chalkboard Wall Tom Bona
Hopkins 212 Natural Light Tom Bona
Lower Cole Restroom Paint and Fixture Replacement Tom Bona
Chandler Gym Bleacher Repairs Julie Sniezek
Reading Room Audio Julie Sniezek
Pool Tiles Evaluation Jason Moran
Chandler Gym – Repair/Replace Torn Yellow Court Divider (height of gym) Julie Sniezek
Stetson/Sawyer Signage Julie Sniezek
66′ Center North Vestibule and Improvements Douglas Schlaefer
Spencer Art Studio Ventilation Design Julie Sniezek
Thompson Hall Masonry Repair Shaun Garvey
Wood House – Structural Column Repair Shaun Garvey
Loading Dock Curb Modification at Library Shelving Facility Julie Sniezek
Clark Tunnel Steam Line Leak Repairs Jason Moran
Thompson Chapel Alarm System Upgrades Eric Rougeau
Lee Track Corner Lighting Tim Roberts
Automatic door open button Mears, ID card access for main doors Diana Randall
Greylock Dining Kitchen Reutilization Keenan Chenail
Paresky Allergy Free Prep/Serving Theresa Sawyer
Hopkins Hall SUS Keenan Chenail
Replacement of MSL Cage Washer Eric Rougeau
Williams and Sage Drainage Repairs Julie Sniezek
Install Tile Floor in Lower Level Hallway of Chandler Athletic Complex Julie Sniezek
Softball and Baseball Infield mix Tim Roberts
Bouldering Cave Julie Sniezek
Lasell Gender Inclusive Locker Room Julie Sniezek
Berkshire Quad Furniture Laura Wood
Clark Hall – North Entry Stairs Shaun Garvey
Server Room Modification Jason Moran
Fitch main electrical panel replacement Jason Moran
Center for Teaching Shaun Garvey
WCMA Interim HVAC Repairs Diana Randall
Thompson Chapel – Handicap Ramps Shaun Garvey
Brooks Roger Recital Hall Seats Shaun Garvey
Thompson Hall Deferred Maintenance Shaun Garvey
Hollander & Schapiro Green Roof Replacement Diana Randall
Paresky Refrigeration Rebuild Diana Randall
Agard North Driveway Paving Jason Moran
Steam Turbine Overhaul Gary Bonafilia
Lansing Rink Compressor Douglas Schlaefer