
Properties can be sorted by clicking on the Name, Street, or Type headers. Click on a property name for more information.

Name # Street Sq Ft Type
152A Meacham Street 152A Meacham St 1,320 housing: rental
154B Meacham Street 154B Meacham St 883 housing: rental
154C Meacham Street 154C Meacham St 523 housing: rental
21 Thistle Path 21 Thistle Path 2,073 housing: rental
24 Water Street 24 Water St 1,588 commercial
26 Water Street 26 Water St 2,322 commercial
ABC House 58 Hoxsey St 5,651 academic
Adams Block (total) 36-42 Spring St 10,180 commercial
Agard House 96 South St 16,420 housing: student
Alton House 18 Southworth St 2,005 housing: rental
Austen House (Grad Art) 68 South St 3,213 housing: rental
B&G North (College Garage) 54 Heating Plant Dr 6,369 service
B&L Building (Coffee Shop) 100 Spring St 2,727 commercial
B&L Building (Gift Shop) 100 Spring St 2,650 commercial
B&L Building (Human Resources) 100 Spring St 5,088 administrative
B&L Building Real Estate 100 Spring St 1,531 administrative
B&L Building  301,302,&303 100 Spring St 2,951 housing: rental
Bascom House 33 Stetson Ct 11,400 administrative
Beals House 51 Jerome Dr 1,506 housing: rental
Bernhard Music Center 54 Chapin Hall Dr 22,520 academic
Brinsmade House 71 Stetson Ct 2,304 administrative
Bronfman Science Center 18 Hoxsey St 90,698 academic: lab
Brooks House 983 Main St 10,306 housing: student
Brooks House 983 Main St 1,094 administrative
Brown House East 33 Latham St 1,258 housing: rental
Brown House West 35 Latham St 1,258 housing: rental
Fielding Brown House I-II 179 Park St 1,960 housing: rental
Bryant House 1020 Main Street 22,117 housing: student
Cable Mills - Townhome 11 160 Water St 1,453 housing; rental
Caretaker's House 60 Elm Tree Loop 2,720 housing: other
Carlton House 51 Stetson Ct 1,632 housing: rental
Carter House 36 North St 24,950 housing: student
CDE/Residence Hall/ 1065 Main St 17,244 housing: student
Chadbourne House 42 Stetson Ct 5,190 housing: student
Chaffee Tennis House 20 Stetson Rd/Lynde Lane 1,200 athletic
Chandler Athletic Center 34 Spring St 87,001 athletic
Chandler Commercial 28 Spring St 1,498 commercial
Chandler Commercial 30 Spring St 954 commercial
Chandler Commercial 32 Spring St 709 commercial
Chandler Commercial 34B Spring St 955 commercial
Chandler Basketball Offices 34 Spring St 4,467 administrative
Chandler House 26 Walden St 2,448 administrative
Chapin Hall 62 Chapin Hall Dr 22,244 auditorium, theater
Chattas Cottage 156D Meacham St 1,067 housing: rental
Chaucer House 110 Meacham St 2,307 housing: rental
Clark Hall 947 Main St 13,680 academic: lab
Clark House I-II 79 Southworth St 2,764 housing: rental
Class of '37 House 51 Park St 5,863 administrative
Class of '62 Center for Theatre & Dance 1000 Main St 106,000 auditorium, theater
Cole Field House 85 Stetson Rd 16,099 athletic
Currier Hall 14 Driscoll Hall Dr 34,285 housing: student
Danforth Block (total commercial) 66,76-78 Spring St 6,460 commercial
Danforth Block 66 Spring St 1,080 commercial
Danforth Block 76-78 Spring St 4,300 commercial
Danforth Block 1 - 4 68 Spring St 3,950 housing: rental
Danforth Block 5 - 8 74 Spring St 3,877 housing: rental
Denison Gate House 7 Denison Park Dr 2,526 commercial
Dickens House 111 Southworth St 2,599 housing: rental
Dodd Annex 68 Mission Park Dr 2,094 academic
Dodd Dining 64 Mission Park Dr 6,558 student dining
Dodd House 64 Mission Park Dr 28,243 housing: student
Doughty House 108 Knolls Rd 7,274 housing: student
Driscoll Dining Hall 49 Driscoll Hall Dr 9,143 student dining
Droppers House (Dining) 15 Park St 1,496 administrative
East College 10 Lawrence Hall Dr 13,152 housing: student
Elm Tree House 60 Elm Tree Loop 47,860 special event space
Facilities 60 Latham St 26,914 administrative
Faculty Art Studio (B&G North) 54 Heating Plant Dr 3,946 academic
Faculty House/Alumni Center 968 Main St 17,365 special event space
Fayerweather Hall 28 Lawrence Hall Dr 16,288 housing: student
Fisher House 1 & 3, 2 & 4 71,73 School St 3,988 housing: rental
Fitch House 30 Driscoll Hall Dr 16,868 housing: student
Football Grandstand/Pressbox 71 Latham St 4,260 athletic
Fort Bradshaw 175 South St 10,090 housing: student
Friedrichs House 33 Whitman St 1,636 housing: rental
Garfield House 45 South St 12,985 housing: student
Gavitt House 80 Stetson Ct 2,102 housing: rental
Gladden House 44 North St 27,082 housing: student
Goodrich Hall 863 Main St 10,929 student union
Goodrich House 65 Mission Park Drive 6,120 housing: student
Greylock Dining Hall 41 Whitman St 31,738 student dining
Griffin Hall 844 Main St 12,998 academic
Grundy's Garage 24-32 Water St total: 9,531 service
Grundy's Garage 26 Water St 2,464 service
Grundy's Garage 26 Water St 2,410 commercial
Grundy's Garage (Art Studio) 28 Water St 1,469 academic
Hardy House 20 Morley Dr 8,314 academic
Hawthorne House I, II, III 150,146,148 Meacham St 2,285 housing: rental
Heating Plant 50 Heating Plant Dr 10,513 service
Hollander Hall 85 Mission Park Dr 57,842 academic
Hopkins Forest Apt 271 Northwest Hill Rd 1,336 other
Hopkins Forest/Rosenburg Center 271 Northwest Hill Rd 8,628 academic
Hopkins Hall 880 Main St 43,700 administrative
Mark Hopkins 32 North St 27,530 housing: student
Susan B. Hopkins House 60 Denison Park Dr 5,364 housing: student
Hopkins Observatory 829 Main St 850 academic
Horn Hall 64 Stetson Court 25,496 housing: student
Hubbell House 72 Mission Park Dr 6,000 housing: student
Jenness House (MCC) 10 Morley Dr 3,924 academic
Jesup Hall 22 Lab Campus Dr 24,885 academic
Jewish Religious Center 24 Stetson Ct 5,642 religious
Johnson House 73 Stetson Ct 2,621 administrative
Kellogg House 55 Mission Park Dr 8,542 academic
The Knolls I-III 181 The Knolls 4,445 housing: rental
Lambert House 80 Hoxsey St 3,588 housing: student
Lamphier House East, West 64,66 Meacham St 3,124 housing: rental
Lansing Chapman Rink 76 Latham St 43,121 athletic
Lasell Gymnasium 871 Main St 64,728 athletic
Lawrence Hall 15 Lawrence Hall Dr 50,227 academic
Lehman Hall 94 Chapin Hall Dr 10,008 housing: student
Leigh House (TA Housing) 57 Stetson Ct 1,902 housing: rental
Library Shelving Facility 835 Simonds Rd 10,800 academic: library
The Log/Alumni House 78 Spring St 5,030 special event space
Marcus House I-II (CDE) 24 Sabin Dr 1,773 housing: rental
Mason House Apartment 3 Southworth St 1,059 housing: rental
Mason House 4 Southworth St 577 academic
Maxcy House 41 Hoxsey St 2,930 housing: rental
McGinniss House I-II (CDE) 42 South St 3,292 housing: rental
Mears House 75 Park St 15,223 administrative
Mears West 23 Whitman St 3,983 administrative
Melville House I-II 67 - 69 Southworth St 2,252/td> housing: rental
Messer House 23 Lynde Lane 2,129 housing: rental
Milham House 53 Hoxsey St 6,105 housing: student
Miller House 54 South Street 5,200 administrative
Mission Park Lynde Lane total: 96,000 housing: student
Mission Park: Armstrong 127 Lynde Lane 20,382 housing: student
Mission Park: Dennett 87 Lynde Lane 21,763 housing: student
Mission Park: Mills 101 Lynde Lane 22,580 housing: student
Mission Park: Pratt 113 Lynde Lane 22,668 housing: student
Mission Park Dining Lynde Lane 8,607 student dining
Morey House A & B 121 - 123 Southworth St 2,260 housing: rental
Morgan Hall 7 Spring St 24,432 housing: student
Morley Science Labs 31 Morley Dr 79,909 academic: lab
Mt. Hope Farm 1478 Green River Rd 46,152 academic
Mt. Hope Inn A-D 1445 Green River Rd 6,328 housing: rental
Mullen House (total commercial) 84,86 Spring St 2,700 commercial
Mullen House (attorney) 84 Spring St 1,350 commercial
Mullen House (theatre festival) 84 Spring St 675 commercial
Mullen House (media) 86 Spring St 135 commercial
Mullen House 86 Spring St 365 commercial
North House West, East 14,16 Chapin Court 3,900 housing: rental
Oakley Center/Makepeace 90 Denison Park Dr 5,684 academic
Orwell House 196 Southworth St 2,245 housing: rental
Paddle Tennis Courts 100 Lynde Lane 2,281 athletic
Paresky Center 39 Chapin Hall Dr 75,000 student union
Paresky Whitmans Dining 39 Chapin Hall Dr student dining
Park Street Condos 2,3,4,5 125 Park St 1,521,864,797,1,469 housing: rental
Parking Garage
Central Chilled Water Plant
45 Whitman St total: 88,900 service
Parsons House 82 Mission Park Dr 5,000 housing: student
Peck's Grandstand 73 Meacham St 1,000 athletic
Perry House 1017 Main St 20,000 housing: student
Pilgrim Inn East, West 7,32 Chapin Ct, South St 3,467 housing: rental
Poker Flats 45 Stetson Rd 15,297 housing: student
230 Pine Cobble Rd 230 Pine Cobble Rd 2,383 housing: rental
340 Pine Cobble Rd 340 Pine Cobble Rd 3,382 housing: rental
640 Pine Cobble Rd 640 Pine Cobble Rd 2,206 housing: rental
Pratt House (TA Housing) 187 Park St 4,326 housing: rental
President's House 936 Main St 12,137 housing: other
Prospect House 59 Driscoll Hall Dr 39,360 housing: student
Quinn House I-II 37 Southworth St 3,059 housing: rental
Rice House East 30 Morley Dr 834 housing: rental
Rice House West 30 Morley Dr 3,568 academic
Roberts House I, II 135,137 Southworth St 2,825 housing: rental
Rogers House 163 Park St 1,354 housing: rental
Royal House 184 Southworth St 1,440 housing: rental
Ruland House I-III 40 Southworth St 2,061 housing: rental
Sage Hall 71 Chapin Hall Dr 37,322 housing: student
Samuelson House 575 Water St 2,600 housing: rental
Sawyer Library 40 Chapin Hall Dr 176,276 academic: library
Schapiro Hall 24 Hopkins Hall Drive 41,687 academic
Schow Science Library 41 Lab Campus Dr 39,000 academic: library
Sears Bungalow 25 Whitman St 500 administrative
Sewall House 49 Mission Park Dr 3,000 housing: student
Shaw Boat House 5 Onota La, Pittsfield 4,300 athletic
Sherman House I-IV 820 Main St 3,453 housing: rental
Sinclair House (TA Housing) 100 Meacham St 1,681 housing: rental
Smith-Rudnick Building (Athletic Offices) 18B Spring St total: 1,504 athletic
Smith-Rudnick Bldg (total commercial) 18A,20 Spring St 2,515 commercial
Smith-Rudnick Bldg (Barber Shop) 18A Spring St 332 commercial
Smith-Rudnick Bldg 20A Spring St 865 commercial
South House East, West 17,19 Chapin Ct 3,240 housing: rental
South Science Center 15 Morley Drive academic: lab
Southworth Schoolhouse 1-15 96 School St 28,906 housing: rental
Spencer House 973 Main St 19,090 housing: student
Spencer Studio Art Building 35 Driscoll Hall Dr 41,000 academic
Squash Courts 22 Spring St 26,326 athletic
Stocking House 1 & 2 107-109 Southworth St 2,504 housing: rental
Taconic Golf Club 19 Meacham St 11,345 athletic
Team Support Building 75 Meacham St 29,900 athletic
Thompson Biology Lab 59 Lab Campus Dr 26,558 academic: lab
Thompson Center for Health Services 105 The Knolls 7,016 student service
Thompson Chemistry Lab 47 Lab Campus Dr 32,393 academic: lab
Thompson Hall 172 Park St 13,215 housing: student
Thompson Memorial Chapel 860 Main St 22,700 religious
Thompson Physical Lab 33 Lab Campus Dr 28,843 academic: lab
Thoreau House 88 Meacham St 1,848 housing: rental
Tower House 37 Lee Ter 1,525 housing: rental
Towne Field House 82 Latham St 40,962 athletic
Treadway House 70 Mission Park Dr 2,694 housing: rental
Tyler Annex 185 Park St 11,734 housing: student
Tyler House 183 Park St 15,880 housing: student
Verizon Equipment Building 50 Heating Plant Dr 360 service
Vogt House 63 Park St 9,392 administrative
Wachenheim Science Center 18 Hoxsey St 111,138 academic
Wall Streeter Building - 2A 26 Union St, North Adams 904 housing: rental
Wall Streeter Building - 2B 26 Union St, North Adams 940 housing: rental
Wall Streeter Building - 2C 26 Union St, North Adams 760 housing: rental
Wall Streeter Building - 3B 26 Union St, North Adams 940 housing: rental
Wall Streeter Building - 3E 26 Union St, North Adams 960 housing: rental
West College 931 Main St 16,296 housing: student
Weston Hall 995 Main St 21,969 academic
Wharton House 30 Latham St 1,674 housing: rental
Wild House I, II 21,23 Southworth St 2,440 housing: rental
Williams College Children's Center 44 Whitman St 9,300 administrative
Whittier House 60 Meacham St 2,084 housing: rental
Williams Hall 93 Chapin Hall Dr 37,322 housing: student
Wood House 1039 Main St 16,320 housing: student
Woodbridge House 17 Park St 6,084 housing: student
Woodworth House I-III 89 Southworth St 3,576 housing: rental